Thanksgiving After Meals Prayer
We give thee thanks for all thy benefits, O Almighty God, who lives and reigns forever, and we pray that through the merits and intercession of the saints, thou wouldst release from purgatory those souls who are in pain. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Gratias tibi agimus, omnipotens Deus, pro universis beneficiis tuis, qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum, et pro quibus petimus ut per merita et intercessionem sanctorum tuorum, animas defunctorum de purgatorio liberare digneris. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Latin Pronunciation
Grah-tee-ahs tee-bee ah-gee-moos, ohm-nee-poh-tens day-oos, pro oo-noo-er-vees be-nee-fee-chee-ees too-ees, kwee vee-vees et ray-gnahs in sah-koo-loh sah-koo-loh-room, et pro kwee-boos pe-tee-moos oot pair me-ree-tahs et in-ter-kesh-ee-ohn san-ktor-room too-or-oom, an-nee-mahs de-foon-ktor-room deh poor-gah-tor-ee-oh lee-bay-rah-day dee-gnee-rees. pair Chris-toom doh-mee-noom noh-strum. Ah-men.
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