Pope Prayer


May the Lord preserve our Holy Father, Pope Francis, give him life, and make him blessed upon earth, and deliver him not to the will of his enemies.

Let us pray: O God, the Shepherd and Ruler of all the faithful, in Thy Mercy look down upon Thy servant, Francis, whom Thou hast appointed to preside over Thy Church, and grant we beseech Thee that, both by word and example, he may edify those who are under his charge; so that, with the flock entrusted to him, he may attain life everlasting. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


V. Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Fancisco.

R. Dominus conservet eum, et vivificet eum, et beautum faciat eum in terra, et non tradat eum in animam inimicorum eius.

Oremus: Deus, omnium fidelium pastor et rector, famulum tuum Francisco, quem pastorem Ecclesiae tuae praeesse voluisti, propitius respice: da ei, quaesumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus praeest, proficere: ut at vitam una cum grege sibi credito, perveniat sempiternam. Per Christum, Dominium nostrum.

Latin Pronunciation

V. Oh-reh-moos pro Pon-tee-fee-cheh nos-tro Fran-chees-ko.

R. Do-mee-noos kon-ser-vet eh-oom, et vee-vee-fee-chet eh-oom, et beh-ah-toom fah-chee-at eh-oom in ter-rah, et non trah-dat eh-oom in ah-nee-mahm ee-nee-mee-ko-room eh-yoos.

Oh-reh-moos: Deh-oos, om-nee-oom fee-deh-lee-oom pas-tor et rek-tor, fah-moo-loom too-oom Fran-chees-ko, kwem pas-to-rem Ek-kleh-see-ae too-ae prae-es-seh vo-loo-is-tee, pro-pee-tsee-oos res-pee-cheh: da eh-ee, kwae-soo-moos, ver-bo et ek-sem-plo, kwee-boos prae-est, pro-fee-cheh-reh: oot ad vee-tahm oo-nah koom greh-geh see-bee kreh-dee-to, per-veh-nee-at sem-pee-ter-nahm. Per Krees-toom, Do-mee-nee-oom nos-troom. Ah-men.

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